MLG1201BMar 22, 20192 min readHow does language inaccuracy in new media cause communication breakdown?Entry 2: How does language inaccuracy in new media cause communication breakdown? LUQMANUL HAKIM B ABU BAKAR (2019345127) Hello, and...
MLG1201BMar 21, 20192 min readEnsuring the effectiveness of new media content in new media platforms.Entry 3: With regards to the use of English Language, how do we ensure the effectiveness of a particular new media content/material...
MLG1201BMar 21, 20192 min readIs “cyberculture” changing the way we speak or write in English?Entry 4: Is “cyberculture” changing the way we speak or write in English? LUQMANUL HAKIM B ABU BAKAR (2019345127) Salam and greeting to...
MLG1201BMar 21, 20192 min readHow does knowledge on the different types of internet languages affect professionalism in new media?Entry 5: How does knowledge on the different types of internet languages affect professionalism in new media? NADIA YASMIN BINTI ZULAMIN...
MLG1201BMar 21, 20192 min readOpinions on the roles of language in new media.ENTRY 1: What is your opinion on the roles of language in new media? WAN NURFARAHANA BINTI ZAINOL IZAM KHAN (2019114105) Assalamualaikum,...